St. Luke's Foundation
Leaving a Legacy for future generations

​The success of the St. Luke’s Foundation depends on the generous donations, both big and small, from many St. Luke’s members since the Foundation started in 1994. The Foundation Committee extends a huge thank you to all who have supported the Foundation in the past and to those who have included the St. Luke’s Foundation in wills and estate plans to provide future support.

In 2020, the Foundation Committee asked St. Luke’s member and resident artist, Kevin Roth, to paint a picture of the Church. Kevin’s efforts turned out very well and this painting is now framed and on permanent display in the art area located on the south side of the church. The Foundation Committee arranged for framed prints to be signed and numbered by Kevin. These continue to be given to Foundation donors.
On Sunday, October 9, 2022 the 2nd Annual Foundation Reception was hosted by the Foundation Committee and Church Council. Those in attendance had the opportunity to tour areas where Foundation grant funds were utilized – the family bathroom and the audio/visual recording room. Guests touring traveled the Art Hallway enhanced by a new display hosted by Kevin Roth. Light refreshments were enjoyed. A brief program was held where Kevin Krause reported on the Church Council’s activities and Andy Roquet provided updates on the Foundation. We got to know Pastor Tim and Pastor Carrie better as they shared their thoughts on staffing, the return of St. Luke’s members to services and the importance of providing an online presence. A recent Foundation grant for the Stephen Ministry Program was directed at the training of three new Stephen Ministry leaders. Stephen Luecke, one of those who recently trained, provided information on the program. Thanks to all in attendance and those who presented.