COVID-19 Updates

July 8, 2020
Council provides a update on opening.
Dear Members and Friends of St. Luke’s,
Council and staff are talking regularly about how and when we can host in-person worship services. At our most recent review on July 6, we heard preliminary plans from the pastors and program staff of beginning back to worship at St. Luke’s with small, socially distanced Wednesday worship gatherings. These would be fifteen to twenty minutes at most. Sunday services would remain virtual and online. Unfortunately, the recent increases in COVID cases in Dane County has put any plans on hold. We would need at least two weeks of lower levels of data across the health department’s metrics to institute such a plan. But we do want you to know that we are thinking creatively and are committed to continuing these conversations as the county guidance shifts.
Until we can worship together, we encourage you to be safe but stay connected:
If there’s another family in your social bubble, watch an online service together. You could even serve coffee, goldfish and cookies!
Do you have a small group that typically meets during the school year? Schedule a summer social gathering at church or meet outside at a park or someone’s backyard following public health guidelines.
Join a Friendship Boat which is a small group offering social and spiritual connection through regular group phone calls. Enjoy devotions, news from the church, and Friendship Hall style conversations. Contact Paul Harshner to join.
When the time comes, you can decide what is best for you -- returning to group worship or watching our online service from home. No matter your decision, you remain part of the St. Luke’s community.
The council will have their next regular meeting on Monday, July 20 and will have another chance to review the status of public health in our area, and how to plan any “return to public worship” within that framework.
Stay well,
St. Luke’s Church Council