Prayer Shawls are a comforting reminder of the support of the church community. They are given as gifts to people at times of baptism, illness, loss, or need. The shawl surrounds the recipient with the warmth and prayers of the entire congregation.
The shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl. Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. Prayer Shawls are knitted or crocheted, and the pattern is very simple so that even a beginner can pray their way through a shawl. Speed of work and skill are not important; the prayers are what make the shawl what it is. Want to get involved in other ways? Prayer Shawl Ministry also needs help sewing labels onto completed shawls, and shopping for yarn several times a year.
Through generous donations, the church is able to provide yarn and patterns to anyone who wants to prayerfully create a shawl for others. Patterns are always available at the Information Center. Yarn is available in the Church Office. Contact Diane Barnidge at (608) 203-5270 if you have any questions about knitting, instructions, picking up yarn, or dropping off completed shawls. Prayer Shawl recipients need not be members of St. Luke's.
If you know of anyone who could use one, contact the Church Office at (608) 831-6084.
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